Study Name: Adaptability and Resilience in Aging Adults (ARIAA)-2

Purpose of the study
This project examines the effect of a 7-week resilience-based intervention on pain and functioning in older adults with low back pain.
Who is eligible?
- People who are 60 years of age and older
- Have low back pain on most days
- People who are able to attend a weekly intervention group program for 8 weeks (1.5-hr sessions)
What will happen if I participate?
We will ask you about your recent health experiences and obtain a list of your current medications. If you decide to participate, you will be assigned to a 7-session group-based pain management intervention focused on increasing resilience. This program will build skills that center on enhancing positive emotions, setting goals, focusing on values, and boosting self-confidence in managing pain. Each session will occur weekly in a group of 6 to 8 people and someone with training in pain management would lead the group.
Contact Information
To find out more contact Dr. Emily Bartley’s Lab at 352-273-8798.
Research Team
Principal Investigator: Emily Bartley, PhD
Study Coordinator: Paige Lysne