This Week At PRICE

Published Article on Weight-Cycling


Weight cycling, is where weight is gained or lost repeatedly. Since body weight plays a leading factor in the development of knee osteoarthritis, how does weight cycling affect development in comparison to maintaining a steady high or low weight?

In, ‘Weight-cycling Over 6 Years is Associated with Pain, Physical Function and Depression in Osteoarthritis Initiative Cohort,’ Alisa Johnson, Kimberly Sibille and Yenisel Almeida-Cruz, alongside Heather Vincent and Kevin Vincent, investigated the effects of weight cycling on physical function, quality of life and depression over 72-months for patients with knee osteoarthritis.

That article has been published in Scientific Reports and can be found here!

Dr. Bartley Gains Grant


Congratulations to Dr. Emily Bartley and her co-investigators for a $2.9M NIAMS R01 grant, A Multisystem Resilience Approach in the Assessment of Postsurgical Pain Trajectories. This 5-year grant will allow Dr. Bartley and her team to characterize phenotypic profiles of resilience that predict postsurgical recovery trajectories in pain and physical function among adults undergoing joint replacement surgery.