This Week At PRICE

New Tool for Musculoskeletal Pain


The Keele STarT MSK Tool was developed within the Keele Aches and Pains Study (KAPS). The tool aims to ensure that patients with common musculoskeletal conditions receive the right treatments at the earliest opportunity. The validity of the use of the tool in the US however, has not yet been investigated.

In the recent article, ‘Validation of the Keele STarT MSK Tool for Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain in United States-Based Outpatient Physical Therapy Settings’, Jason Beneciuk, alongside researchers from the University of California, Florida, and Keele University in the UK, tested the 10-item Keele STarT MSK risk stratification tool for construct and predictive validity from a US outpatient physical therapy sample.

The findings provided additional evidence towards the validity of the tool as well as highlighted its potential to help physical therapists identify individuals presenting with the most common MSK pain conditions who may require more targeted interventions or closer monitoring.

These findings have been published in the Journal of Pain!

Roadmap to Combat Disparities


Pain is a universal human experience; however, its prevalence, perception, treatment and impact vary wildly among individuals.

The recent commentary co-authored by Star Booker covers the issue of disparity in pain, especially for marginalized, racialized and indigenized individuals as well as highlights recommendations to overcome the disparities that exist in pain management by targeting multisectoral systems, spheres of influence and social determinants simultaneously.

‘From Stepping Stones to Scaling Mountains: Overcoming Racialized Disparities in Pain Management’, has been published in Pain Management, which can be viewed here!
