The Pain and Aging Journal club is an excellent opportunity for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students, and staff of various disciplines to interact and address the complexity of pain research. Feel free to share or invite others to this monthly event.
Every last Friday of each month, we cover new and emerging studies and breakthroughs in pain research. Take part in an open forum conducted by peers and experts in the field!
Dr. Javier Tamargo will be leading this month’s Pain and Aging Journal Club with a discussion on the following article: “The Natural History of Knee Osteoarthritis Pain
Experience and Risk Profiles.” The article discusses the progression and variability in knee osteoarthritis pain experiences and identifies distinct risk profiles associated with different patterns of pain severity and persistence over time.
The article is available at The Journal of Pain
Friday, February 23, 2024
11:30 am-1:00 pm
Meet In Person at CTRB 3162
Attend Online via Zoom HERE