Study Name: Nervous System Influence on Recovery From Painful Rotator Cuff Tears
Purpose of the study
This study aims to measure how the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system influence pain symptoms of patients with rotator cuff tears.
Who is eligible?
Adults aged 40-80 years old who:
• Had a recent episode of shoulder pain following an injury
• Have no musculoskeletal pain in the last 6 months
What will happen if I participate?
By agreeing to participate in this study, you will attend up to three visits on the campus of the University of Florida. Each visit will last about 2 hours. The visits can be combined and scheduling is flexible.
• Visit 1. Magnetic resonance scan of your brain and shoulder
• Visit 2. Objective pain assessment, fill out some questionnaires and blood draw.
• Visit 3. Motion analysis of shoulder function
Compensation and parking pass are provided
Contact Information
For more information, reach Dr. Lucas Almeida by phone at (352)-273-7336 or email
Research Team
Principal Investigator: Dr. Frederico Pozzi