“Yes, and”

Authors Drs. Kimberly Sibille, Cynthia Garvan, Carl Hill, and Andreas Keil recently published ““Yes, and” Requires Advances in Research Approaches to Inform Evidence-Based Health Equity” in response to “Prioritizing Research on Social Determinants of Health—“Yes, and…”” in JAMA Internal Medicine. See the response here
Pilot Study Examines Diet, Pain and Disparities in Pain Management

Knee osteoarthritis is a common cause of chronic pain and can reduce quality of life, especially in non-Hispanic Black women, who may face disparities in pain management.
A recent study conducted by Larissa Strath and Burel Goodin, alongside researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, tested whether a 6-week low-carbohydrate diet could help non-Hispanic Black women suffering from knee osteoarthritis manage their pain and improve quality of life.
During the study, it was found that daily pain and stiffness decreased and pain from physical activities was reduced. Participants also experienced less depression and better overall physical function!
The pilot study, “The effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on evoked pain and quality of life in Non-Hispanic black women with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study” has been published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders!