Posts tagged as

Angela Mickle

This Week At PRICE

Machine Learning Tools and Study on Neighborhood's Associations with Knee Pain Reveal New Opportunities in Treatment Strategies!

This Week At PRICE

New Publication Examines Overall Health and the Chronic Pain Experience

This Week At PRICE

Discrimination in Chronic Pain and Emerging Findings in Fibromyalgia

This Week At PRICE

Chronic Pain Stages and Thinner Bilateral Temporal Lobe Association

Drs. Sibille and Bartley Receive NIA Grant

Congratulations to Dr. Kimberly Sibille and Dr. Emily Bartley for receiving a grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Research Centers Collaborative Network. In collaboration with Dr. Amber Brooks from Wake Forest, their grant titled “Protective Resilience Index for Successful Aging in Musculoskeletal Pain (PRISM)”, will allow…