Study Name: Pain Relief for OsteoArthritis through Combined Treatment (PROACT)

Knee Pain

Purpose of the study

This project examines the effect of a five day course of meditation and transcranial direct current stimulation on pain modulatory balance and pain-related brain function and chronic pain in older adults with knee osteoarthritis.

Who is eligible?

People between 45 and 85 years of age with knee pain.

What will happen if I participate?

Visits will include questions about your health and pain, a test of sitting standing and walking, questions about how you think and feel, some sensory and pain tests to measure how you feel pressure, poking, and cold sensations. Also, we will do some brain scans to see how your brain responses relate to your pain. You will have the brain stimulation and breathing and attention training treatments.

Contact Information

To find out more contact the PROACT study team at 352-273-5964, or via email at

Research Team

Principal Investigator: Roger Fillingim, Ph.D., UF College of Dentistry
Study Coordinator: Eric Weber