Study Name: Multisystem Assessment of Postsurgical Pain
Purpose of the study
The goal of this project is to identify multisystem phenotypic profiles of resilience that predict postsurgical recovery trajectories in pain impact and physical function among adults undergoing knee and hip arthroplasty.
Who is eligible?
- Adults 18+ years undergoing elective knee and hip replacement.
What will happen if I participate?
individual will undergo comprehensive assessments before and after their knee or hip arthroplasty to help researchers understand how various factors contribute to pain resilience and recovery.
After a baseline assessment, follow-up assessments will be conducted five different times over a 9-month period.
Contact Information
For more information, reach out by phone to 352-273-8798 or email
Please use the following link to view more information on the study
Research Team
Principal Investigators: Emily Bartley, Assistant Professor, Director Of Communication And Outreach (PRICE)
Study Coordinator: Helen Yousef