Posts tagged as

Chronic Knee Pain

This Week At PRICE (May 8th to May 12th)

Strath Receives Grant PRICE’s Larissa Strath has received a 5-year K99/R00 grant from the National Institute on Aging for approximately $1.3M.  The grant, Pain and Nutrition in Dementia and Alzheimer’s (PANDA), will explore nutriepigenetic mechanisms connecting chronic pain and cognitive decline in older adults with knee pain. Aaron…

New Publication- Chronic pain and the brain

Illustration by Dr. Jared Tanner. Congratulations to Kimberly Sibille and Jared Tanner on their study of non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic white adults links chronic knee pain and key demographic factors to differences in areas of the brain tied to memory. The article titled “Relationships Between Chronic Pain Stage, Cognition,…